
How to connect to Geometris (whereQube)?

How to connect to Geometris (whereQube)?

The application on both iOS and Android uses Bluetooth to connect to the Geometris (whereQube) device. The Geometris (whereQube) device looks like this:

Each Geometris (whereQube) device has a SN (serial number) printed on it. This same SN must be entered on the Counting Trucks website on the truck that is assigned to the driver that is using the device. The SN is entered in the Mac field, prefix WQ- must be entered before SN.

When the driver logs in their CT ELD app the app will attempt to automatically connect to the Geometris (whereQube) device with the mac stated on the website. Example:

Тhe ELD vehicle 112 has a MAC set to WQ-88B121020490, this means that when the driver with the Truck 112 assigned to it the connection to WQ-88B121020490 will be attempted.

Every data entered in Update Eld Vehicle is saved by clicking on Update Eld Vehicle.

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