Step 1: Login into the app.

Step 2: Connect to the vehicle and confirm you are connected and see the green icon in the top right corner.

Step 3: Start the vehicle/truck.
3.1 Turn the engine of your Truck on.
Step 4: Change your status to On Duty.
- Click the current status box on the homepage.

- Select the On Duty option and check if your location is correct.
- Click on the Notes and select the Pre-trip inspection option.
- Click on Update Status.

-* Make sure the note for the On Duty status is Pre-trip inspection.
-* Make sure the location correct.
Step 5: Open your logs and confirm all are certified and all form have been submitted.
- Open Sidebar

- Select Logs

- Open each day with red signs

- Certify the date

- Submit the form

Step 6: Navigate back to the status page and start driving!
That is it! Open the sidebar, select status and you are ready to go!