This is used when a driver is ready to start using CT ELD.
All drivers and trucks were moved using the super admin tools (this is done by programmer).
1 – Confirm driver exists in Counting Trucks portal and his info is correct.
2 – Vehicle exists in Counting Trucks and it’s info is correct.
3 – Follow the instructions in the Helpdesk called “How to use the Move All Events super admin tool“ – Login into super admin, click on the ‘Move All Events’.
4 – The driver has the vehicle assigned in the portal correctly.
5 – The vehicle has the correct MAC entered.
6 – The driver has downloaded the CT ELD app.
7 – The truck is not running (we will turn the truck on when we connect the new ELD).
8 – The driver has completely CLOSED OUT the previous ELD app – this is KEY.
9 – The driver has given the proper permissions to the CT ELD app and can login and connect to the truck (sees green bluetooth icon in the top right corner).
10 – The driver can start the truck and start driving/doing his PTI.
11 – Check after some time and confirm the drivers events are coming in correctly.